A Grateful Soul Expressing God's Gifts

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I absolutely love to crochet and have been doing so since the 70’s.  I enjoy the rhythm that I can get into as I follow along with a pattern or just create something from my heart.

I love it so much that I created a crochet club called “Chit, Chat, Chew and Crochet Too.”  We presently have 8 members and we meet monthly, alternating between our homes.  We each bring a “dish” to round off our menu; eat first (chit, chat &  chew) and then crochet baby items together.  All items are donated to various hospitals within our respective areas. We celebrated our first year anniversary in April 2016.  My, when you’re having fun, and you Chit-Chat-& Chew, times flies by when you crochet too!

  • My Pinterest Board
  • My Pinterest Board

 National Stress Awareness Day is April 16th

Did you know? There was method behind the madness. April 16 was designated as Stress Awareness Day, because it is the day after taxes are due!

Origin of Stress Awareness Day: Stress Awareness Day and Stress Awareness Month is sponsored by the Health Resource Network(HRN). They started this holiday in 1992, to increase public awareness of the causes and cures of stress.

The Truth About Knitting and Crochet….They’re Good for You!
How these crafts can improve your mood, mind and body

In January 2014, the Council released its Changing Global Health One Stitch at a Time video featuring interviews with a wide range of people from older adults to grammar school kids about their experiences with knitting and crochet.

There are a lot of sites sharing the benefit of crochet and knitting. The below links back to the Craft Yarn Council from which this info is shared.

The video was produced by Lasch Media for CYC. Since the mid 1990s the Craft Yarn Council (CYC) has surveyed hundreds of thousands of knitters and crocheters about why they enjoy these crafts. Consistently over time, stress relief ranks at the top, along with creative fulfillment. In addition, a growing number of studies have been completed and articles written about the benefits of knitting and crochet to one’s mood, mind and even the body by treating symptoms of some diseases. Read the article written by Leslie Petrovski that summarizes highlights of these studies and articles, along with personal interviews.

Has knitting or crochet positively affected your health? If so, comment below and share your health benefit of crafting with us on our Facebook Page below.

© 2010-2020 | Created by www.girgiunlimited.com | Constance Mann-Leonard | Transcription | Handmade Cards | Handmade Crochet Items