
“We are the Universe,
housed in a human nervous system,
becoming Self-Aware”

(Deepak Chopra)




I AM a Vessel for Source

I AM a Vessel for Source

Personal morning prayers from my journals throughout the years. C’mon and step into my world.

Rev. Ann Jefferson

Rev. Ann Jefferson

My first Spiritual Teacher – was Rev. Ann Jefferson. In 1994 I was introduced to the New Thought Metaphysical teachings and she became my Spiritual Mother, Friend, Confidant, Counselor, Minister, and such a blessing in my life.  She became Rev. Mother to everyone.

All Things Deepak

All Things Deepak

“Every problem that we face right now, whether it’s war, terrorism, social injustice, economic disparities, or global warming, would be creatively addressed by our collective consciousness moving to a new level.” — Deepak Chopra

Iyanla Vanzant

Iyanla Vanzant

Ahhhh…Another teacher that uplifts and assist in transforming my Soul. Spiritual Guru  Iyanla Vanzant. Started with Acts of Faith and continues today with Spiritual Study Sanctuary: How to Love the Bible 

I Love Abraham

I Love Abraham

Abraham has described themselves as “a group consciousness from the non-physical dimension” (which helps a lot!). They have also said, “We are that which you are. You are the leading edge of that which we are. We are that which is at the heart of all religions.”

I AM the CHANGE It Works if You Work It

I am a “New Thought” teacher and most of all, a student.  I absolutely love the new thought philosophy and embrace the metaphysical teachings wholeheartedly.  The universal principles, handed down through the ages as taught by our Wayshower, Jesus the Christ, are timeless and right on point for today.  Because of the teachings, I am a changed soul.  I came into the teachings an insecure, scared, and “hadtoberightnomatterwhat” little girl (in 1994) in a cocoon, and have evolved into the most beautiful, individualized, butterfly expression of  GOD.” 

So, come journey with me through my world (via my website) and let’s see what we learn together and where we end up.  I’ll be posting my inner stirrings, links to books, people, videos, websites, and anything that has inspired me, continues to inspire, and/or that which adds a new thought. So, perhaps in doing so,  together, we will bring about a change of beliefs, gain new perspectives, and be that which we were created to be.  The highest form of manifestation on this planet always operating from the point of  love. Truly GOD in action. 


I am forever a student – and when you learn  – TEACH!

I’m going to quote from Bishop Doral Pulley exactly what I feel and believe…


“I’m a Positive Person, I serve a Positive God
I say Positive Prayers, Therefore, I GET, Positive Results”


If you are looking to expand your life and be the person that you desire to be, then stop by often as I will be sharing with you the “TRUTH” that has set me free.


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I love this song! Vaile sent this to me in 1986 (via tape!)  and it is part of my history. Who knew that years lady this would be so apropo’.







Let us be intentional about our lives. Let us be intentional about being the best that we can be. Let us be intentional about allowing SOURCE to flow unimpeded. BE intentional in all things.


Involution and Evolution: What is the Spiritual Path


The I AM University is devoted to excellence in teaching and learning, placing thematic priority on the merger of science and Soul psychology.


50Min Powerful Guided Meditation | Create The Future You Want With Dr. Joe Dispenza


Elevate yourself beyond your limiting beliefs. Believe in yourself enough to propel yourself into your dream.



Emmet Fox – Mental Equivalents
(Full Audiobook)

A powerful booklet that helps you understand that everything that is in your life is because of the “mental Equivalent” that was held in your mind.



Reclaiming Your Inner Power in 33 Steps – With Stuart Wilde

Powerful talk on how to reclaim your inner power with practical steps to assist you to do that. Everything starts from within. Prepare yourself for an inner journey.