A Grateful Soul Expressing God's Gifts

Soul Stirring Tidbits

“I AM the miracle that has been proclaimed from all time. I AM the miracle of life. I AM God’s Masterpiece.” 




Tidbits My Thoughts

Accepting Good / Expecting good

Know who and what I am yet sometimes negate that in areas of my life….

Have gotten past certain issues and aware of others that linger on…

Always think with my Christ (M)ind

God is the MasterMind working through me now!



Today is a beautiful day. I am alive, awake, aware.

I just looked at a cartoon of Dennis the Menace sitting on Santa Claus’ lap. He asked Santa do you believe in yourself?
Wow! Made me laugh but also asked that very question of myself do I believe in myself?
Do I believe that I am love, waiting for a place to happen?
Do I believe that I am worthy just because I’m here?
Do I believe that I can do all things through the power of the Christ within?
Do I believe that I am capable of handling whatever comes my way?
Do I believe that I am the worth loving?
Do I believe that me, I am enough?
Do I believe that I can have whatever I desire and that as such, I am the creator of my world?

So, as I sit and contemplate the very questions that come from within, I hear a resounding YES! Yes. I do believe in myself… for with God I am complete.

Constance Mann-Leonard

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